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Landlord/Tenant Contract

Many landlords and tenants erroneously assume the leasing of residential property can be accomplished with a simple handshake or verbal agreement. Unfortunately, they often don't know the answers to basic (yet important) questions pertaining to their business relationship.

Topics covered include the legal rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both landlord and tenant (security deposit, liability for repairs or injury, lease agreements, payment of rent, etc.).

While developing a customized lease agreement, find out what each can realistically expect from the relationship. More importantly, the Landlord/Tenant (Rights & Obligations) forms provide the written evidence concerning the lease should legal problems arise later.

Lawpak's Do-It-Yourself LEGAL GUIDE provides detailed step-by-step information and forms to guide users through the drafting, signing and execution of a binding ten page contract. Each Landlord/Tenant publication provides a Residential Lease Agreement, Rental Application (for screening tenants), and Legal Notice to help landlords legally begin the process of evicting negligent tenants.


This LawPak will continue to be a great aid to my rental business. Thank you.

L.H. Toledo, OH


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