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Name Change

Many individuals and minor children are in need of changing their names but don't understand how to go about the legal process. Most feel reluctant to use the services of an attorney - because doing so would become time consuming and expensive!

Some of the reasons why adults and minor children change names are due to birth certificate error, divorce, remarriage, adoption, personal preference, etc. They, along with their minor children, can legally change names by producing their own Name Change.

Imagine the convenience, and money they will save by producing and submitting a Name Change themselves!

VALID in U.S.A.Lawpak's Do-It-Yourself LEGAL GUIDE Name Change provides detailed step-by-step information and forms to guide users through the preparation of legal documents to be filed with the court in order to have their name legally changed. It also provides information necessary for notifying the governmental agencies in order to get their name legally recognized.

Keep up the great and helpful work. Because of your LawPak I was able to accomplish something I have wanted for a lifetime, a legal name change - and I did it without a lawyer or his expense. Thank you LawPak.

A.C. South Solon, OH


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